Laser Age Wart Removal

Skin warts or age warts are medically referred to as seborrheic keratosis. These blemishes on the skin occur more commonly as one ages, earning them the colloquial term “aged warts.” While some individuals may have only one or two, others may have hundreds of them. Below are the various presentation of skin warts.

The cost for laser age spots removal is $350-500 per session. 

Treatment options include cryotherapy or laser, with our preference being laser due to its tendency to leave fewer scars and its increased effectiveness.

Laser treatments typically need several sessions to remove age warts, but the results are often pleasing in terms of appearance and effectiveness.

The cost of laser treatment varies based on the number of sessions needed and the extent of the age warts. Each laser session costs $300. Some individual spots may require only one treatment, with a cost ranging from $150 to $500, depending on the number of warts.



Laser wart removal from the eyebrow. $350.


Mulitple Laser wart removal from the face. $350 x 6 sessions.


Mulitple Laser wart removal from the face. $350 x 8 sessions.


Mulitple Laser wart removal from the face. $350 x 4 sessions.


Mulitple Laser wart removal from the face. $350 x 5 sessions.


Single Laser wart removal from the neck. $350.

Mulitple age spots were removed from the temporal skin.


Mulitple age spots were removed from the temporal skin.
A single age wart on the face was removed using our laser technique.


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