Laser Xanthelasma Removal / Treatment

This patient did an excellent job by seeking early treatment for her xanthelasma, a condition where cholesterol deposits form around the eyes. By addressing it while still small, we were able to ensure a minimal scar that can easily be concealed, keeping the cosmetic result looking natural.

Swipe to see the Before & After photos – the improvement speaks for itself!
If xanthelasma is something you’re struggling with, reach out to us to learn more about how our treatments can help

Xanthelasma is unsightly.
Many people visit us to get rid of xanthelasma because the yellowish patches around their eyelids are easily noticeable, and they can’t hide it with makeup.
Xanthelasma is a cholesterol deposit in the skin.
Xanthelasma is yellow growths on or near the eyelids. They can be flat or slightly raised. They form when deposits of cholesterol (lipid or fat) build up under the skin, but it is not related to blood cholesterol levels.
We do not know why cholesterol deposits in eyelids. They can occur in one eyelid or all four eyelids, as shown below.
While xanthelasma themselves are not harmful, they often cause cosmetic concerns.
Xanthelasma can be treated with a Laser.
After giving a local anesthetic injection to the xanthelasma, we use the laser to remove them.
The laser spot on the eyelid skin will take 1-2 weeks to heal. It often leaves a scar.
The photos below show the type of scar that can occur. Despite the scar, most patients proceed with the laser xanthelasma treatment because the resulting scar usually looks better than the xanthelasma they had. Scarring is less likely to occur if they are small.
This video demonstrates Laser Xanthelasma Treatment.
Xanthelasma can recur.
Some xanthelasma recurs. If they recur, they usually do so in the first few months. We follow up with patients for 3-6 months. If it recurs within that period, we re-treat with a laser at no extra cost.
We have seen some late recurrences even after 2-3 years, and in these cases, re-lasering will incur additional costs
Cost for Laser Xanthelasma Removal?
Xanthelasma costs $500 per eyelid, There is no medicare rebate for the treatment of xanthelasma using lasers.
An alternative treatment option is surgery.
Most people prefer to avoid surgery for xanthelasma removal. Hence, laser xanthelasma treatment is popular in our clinic.
The cost for laser xanthelasma treatment and removal is $500 per xanthelasma.

A lovely young lady presented with xanthelasma on both upper and lower eyelids. She underwent one session of laser xanthelasma treatment/removal. Photos were taken before and 6 months after the laser procedure. Longer-term follow-up is required in patients presenting with extensive xanthelasma involving all eyelids.

Before & After Photos (Xanthelasma and laser treatment)

The cost for a laser xanthelasma treatment is $500 for one xanthelasma.