Laser Skin Cancer Therapy / Treatment / Surgery in Sydney – Dr Peter Kim

Did you know that some skin cancers can be effectively treated with laser, without surgery?

Advantages of laser skin cancer therapy include:

– Avoiding surgery and surgical scars
– No downtime, no need to take time off work
– Highly effective (95%), though surgery may be needed for the 5% that don’t respond to treatment

The cost for laser skin cancer treatment is $350 per cancer. There is a Medicare rebate of $138.95

Check out the video below demonstrating the treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma with laser.

The main advantage is avoiding surgery and achieving better cosmetic results. The downside is the 5% chance of residual cancer, which might necessitate surgery, along with the out-of-pocket cost.

Laser Skin Cancer Treatment Case Studies

Skin cancer surgeries on the nose can be complex, often involving skin flap or graft surgeries performed in hospitals. However, this patient opted for laser treatment, resulting in a slight scar. Despite this, they were pleased with the overall treatment because it was non-surgical, avoiding the need for hospitalization.

Call us to schedule appointment: 9411 4880.